These Guided Meditation Programs by Clinical Hypnotherapist, Glenda Cedarleaf offer you a comprehensive opportunity to develop a transformative relationship with the challenges in your life.
They access the power of your creative unconscious mind for relaxation, healing and transformation. In addition to these programs, there are many individual tracks as well. Some tracks are listed both as part of the programs as well as separate individual tracks. It is best to listen to at least one track a day--right before you go to sleep or right when you wake up. This is when your brain is most receptive to suggestion. Another helpful time to listen is in the middle of the day when you need to "re-boot" your brain and remind yourself of what is truly important. An extra benefit to meditation during the day is you will feel energized and refocused to continue on. They say it takes up to 100 days to change a habit. Repetition makes this process even more powerful, so create a daily healing practice and do this regularly, this will give you the most benefit. There is something profound about the intention to infuse a practice with a spirit of sacred meaning. The action may be "mundane" but when done from a connection with the sacred, we are empowered with the wisdom of the universe. Guided Imagery can become a daily "habit" but even more important it can become your daily healing practice. There are so many ways to set this time apart. Here are a few: 1. Make sure you have quiet uninterrupted time. Do what you can to ensure this. 2. Have your audio player set up and ready to go ahead of time. 3. Make sure your body is in a comfortable position, make sure you can deeply settle in. 4. In order to give the experience full presence it requires your full attention--otherwise you will not be in a deep enough state to receive the full benefit. Your unconscious mind will receive the images and suggestions when you are in a deep relaxed state. 5. Consider creating an altar for your healing. Clear out a space, feel it's emptiness. Bring items into the space that are meaningful and sacred to you: Photos, Items from nature, Your favorite essential oils or candles or incense, statues, plants A soft huggable teddy bear etc. This altar becomes a physical cue/reminder of taking the time to nurture your spirit. You will find that you will begin to feel "called" rather than "obligated" to return to your altar from the busyness of your life. 6. Keep a journal near your altar or your bed so you can record your thoughts, feelings, insights, dreams etc. 7. Consider adding SoulCollage® to your daily practice. Allow the choice of images and the magic of combining them to become another way of bringing your inner landscape out into the visible light as a reminder of that incredible garden of resources within you. We all have our own unique way of visualizing. We don't all see in pictures, some of us are more auditory or kinesthetic or olfactory. After an imagery exercise, we may have a deep sense of inner knowing, or a symbol may appear like a flash, or a strong feeling my come over you and it may feel like it appeared from "nowhere". A scent or memory that you have not experienced or thought of for a long time may come to your awareness. Many times we do not have a cognitive understanding of why an image has appeared until later, it is important to simply trust the unfolding and let the journey bring it' gifts and insights in time. Good Wishes to you! Thanks for listening! Glenda Cedarleaf |