Contact Glenda
What is SoulCollage® ?
Customized Audio
My Books
Who Are You Santa Lucia?
A Guide for Writing and Recording Guided Imagery Meditations
Meditative Bedtime Stories
Healing Imagery for Lyme
Journey to Healing Places
Spiritual and Archetypal Support
Grieving and Letting Go
Reconnect with your Inner Child
Creativity Meditations
Health and Wellness
Imagine: Bedtime Stories for Adults
Intention Focus Empowerment
Journey Preparation
For Fellow Healers
What is Hypnotherapy
Trauma: A Case Study
Research Article Reprints on Guided Imagery
Articles and Videos on Guided Imagery
Listen Clips A-I
Affirmations for Well-Being
Beginning Again
Bedtime Story Sleep Journey
Bedtime Story: New Day
Bedtime Story: Claire and the SageWoman
Bedtime Story Claire & Sisters of Assisi
Bedtime Story: Claire's Grandmother Love
Bedtime Story: Claire's Spring Inspiration
Bedtime Story: Claire's Magical Summer Day
Bedtime Story: Claire's Autumn Day
Bedtime Story: Claire's Winter Day
Bedtime Story East O' the Sun
Bedtime Story: Claire's Winter Solstice Dream
Bedtime Story:Gift of the Magi
Bedtime Story Rumplestiltskin
Bedtime Story: Sleeping Beauty
Belly Breathing
Blissful Bathtub Meditation
Calming Mountain Mindfulness
Circle of Support
Connecting with Animal Companion
Connecting with Your Guardian Angel
Connecting with Your Wise Woman
Creating an Intention
Divine Embrace
Divine Feminine Blessings
Ebb & Flow: Breathing with the Ocean
Fairiy Tales
Evening Bedtime Reading
Finding Your Healing Place
Freedom from Emotional Eating
Gratitude Meditation
Great Spirit Invocation
Grieving With The Rain
Guardian Meditation
Guided Imagery for Letting Go
Guided Imagery for Your "Third Act"
Healing Dream
Healing Surgery
Heartbeat MeditationListenClips
Holiday Reading: A Sailor's Gift
Holiday Stress Relief
Imagery to Meet your Magical Child
Inner Child Magical Journey
Inner Healer Alchemy
Inspired Movement: Becoming Unstuck
Intro to Relaxation
Listen Clips J-W
Journey Through the Chakras
LakeHouse Meditation
Letting Go Into the Lightness of Your Being
Mermaid Magic Meditation
Mid-Life Journey
Midsommar Meditation with Summer Sounds
Mindful Eating and Self-Care Affirmations
Mindful Morning Meditation
Morning Courage: Medittation/Affirmations
Morning Infusion: Come Rise Up Again
Ocean of Reiki Love
Ocean Sleep Journey
Ocean Mindfulness
Peaceful Transition
Portal of Transformation
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Remember Who I Am
River of Relaxation
Progressive Relaxation
Sacred Flute: Med for Letting Go
Shower of Hope
Sleep into Dreamtime
Sleep into Dreamtime for Children
Sleep Lullaby at the Sea
SoulCollage Meditations
Stories for Your Inner Child
Transforming Challenges
Transforming Pain and Discomfort
Visualizing Recovery from Illness
Your Peaceful Interlude
Your Healing Journey
Wash Away
When you are hurting:Inner Child Alchemy
The long lost sister and a flutist
Solstice Siddhartha, Sacred Rest
A Guide to Writing and Recording Guided Imagery Meditations
From Shallow to Divine Feminine Presence
Ocean of Reiki Love
Where Is The Light ?
Contact Glenda
What is SoulCollage® ?
Customized Audio
My Books
Who Are You Santa Lucia?
A Guide for Writing and Recording Guided Imagery Meditations
Meditative Bedtime Stories
Healing Imagery for Lyme
Journey to Healing Places
Spiritual and Archetypal Support
Grieving and Letting Go
Reconnect with your Inner Child
Creativity Meditations
Health and Wellness
Imagine: Bedtime Stories for Adults
Intention Focus Empowerment
Journey Preparation
For Fellow Healers
What is Hypnotherapy
Trauma: A Case Study
Research Article Reprints on Guided Imagery
Articles and Videos on Guided Imagery
Listen Clips A-I
Affirmations for Well-Being
Beginning Again
Bedtime Story Sleep Journey
Bedtime Story: New Day
Bedtime Story: Claire and the SageWoman
Bedtime Story Claire & Sisters of Assisi
Bedtime Story: Claire's Grandmother Love
Bedtime Story: Claire's Spring Inspiration
Bedtime Story: Claire's Magical Summer Day
Bedtime Story: Claire's Autumn Day
Bedtime Story: Claire's Winter Day
Bedtime Story East O' the Sun
Bedtime Story: Claire's Winter Solstice Dream
Bedtime Story:Gift of the Magi
Bedtime Story Rumplestiltskin
Bedtime Story: Sleeping Beauty
Belly Breathing
Blissful Bathtub Meditation
Calming Mountain Mindfulness
Circle of Support
Connecting with Animal Companion
Connecting with Your Guardian Angel
Connecting with Your Wise Woman
Creating an Intention
Divine Embrace
Divine Feminine Blessings
Ebb & Flow: Breathing with the Ocean
Fairiy Tales
Evening Bedtime Reading
Finding Your Healing Place
Freedom from Emotional Eating
Gratitude Meditation
Great Spirit Invocation
Grieving With The Rain
Guardian Meditation
Guided Imagery for Letting Go
Guided Imagery for Your "Third Act"
Healing Dream
Healing Surgery
Heartbeat MeditationListenClips
Holiday Reading: A Sailor's Gift
Holiday Stress Relief
Imagery to Meet your Magical Child
Inner Child Magical Journey
Inner Healer Alchemy
Inspired Movement: Becoming Unstuck
Intro to Relaxation
Listen Clips J-W
Journey Through the Chakras
LakeHouse Meditation
Letting Go Into the Lightness of Your Being
Mermaid Magic Meditation
Mid-Life Journey
Midsommar Meditation with Summer Sounds
Mindful Eating and Self-Care Affirmations
Mindful Morning Meditation
Morning Courage: Medittation/Affirmations
Morning Infusion: Come Rise Up Again
Ocean of Reiki Love
Ocean Sleep Journey
Ocean Mindfulness
Peaceful Transition
Portal of Transformation
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Remember Who I Am
River of Relaxation
Progressive Relaxation
Sacred Flute: Med for Letting Go
Shower of Hope
Sleep into Dreamtime
Sleep into Dreamtime for Children
Sleep Lullaby at the Sea
SoulCollage Meditations
Stories for Your Inner Child
Transforming Challenges
Transforming Pain and Discomfort
Visualizing Recovery from Illness
Your Peaceful Interlude
Your Healing Journey
Wash Away
When you are hurting:Inner Child Alchemy
The long lost sister and a flutist
Solstice Siddhartha, Sacred Rest
A Guide to Writing and Recording Guided Imagery Meditations
From Shallow to Divine Feminine Presence
Ocean of Reiki Love
Where Is The Light ?
Click on title to hear listening samples...
Healing Imagery for Living Well with Lyme Disease
Affirmations for Well-being
Mid-Life Journey Affirmations
Mindful Eating and Self-Care Affirmations
Morning Courage Meditation and Affirmations
Pregnancy Affirmations
Guided Imagery for Your Third Act Affirmations