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$20 CD
Many years ago I worked in Hospice and Home Health. That experience gave me many insights into the sacred nature of this letting go process.
Peaceful Transition is a compilation of 6 audio tracks for those who are preparing for end of life and their loved ones to experience together or individually.
This audio reinforces the eternal connection of love and offers soothing comfort in words, images and music. Although some of the tracks are very similar to others on this playlist, each track for Peaceful Transition is modified for this specific purpose. Some of the scripts or background music have been changed to provide the best most appropriate experience for Peaceful Transition. The video below includes an introduction and a listening sample of the title track.
Peaceful Transition is for the person facing death an
d dying as well as their loved ones.
The 7 Guided Meditations on this audio include beautiful ambient music and address many aspects of end of life issues from a comforting inspired perspective.
This audio:
Helps the listener to develop relaxation skills and pain
management techniques
Deepens the process of letting go and releasing regrets
Helps the listener visualize their unique, special safe a
nd protected inner healing place
Guides the listener into a restful sleep
Explores imagery for connecting with unconditional, ete
rnal love and a sense of deep support.
The tracks in this program are specifically modified for the end of life experience.
1. Intro to Relaxation
2. Transforming Pain and Discomfort
3. Peaceful Interlude
4. Wash Away: Affirmations for Letting Go
5. Belly Breathing
6. Peaceful Transition
7. Sleep into Dreamtime